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Spaceghost's Review

Created Apr 26, 2008 01:03AM PST • Edited Apr 26, 2008 01:03AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Really Great 4.5

    This movie was freakin great. It was completely over the top in every way. The story, the action, the characters – it was all so much damn fun. Clive Owen is one of my favorites and he absolutely delivers in this one as Mr. Smith. Monica Bellucci can’t help but be gorgeous in everything she does and Paul Giamatti is one of the best character actors out there. From the first scene of the movie (an infant delivery in the middle of a gunfight) you know this movie is gonna be anything but grounded. Its a celebration of every action/tough guy/conspiracy movie ever made and what better way to do it than by making it bigger than life and shoving it in your face? Best way to describe it? The ultimate guy version of an Elmer Fudd/Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes episode.

  3. Perfect 5.0

    The acting is spot on. Clive Owen is such a bad ass without even trying, but when he puts on his grimace he soars. Monica Bellucci is great as the prostitute with the heart of gold. She’s a very strong character and holds her own with Owen. Paul Giamatti is a wormy, nasty, intelligent and dangerous man. The family he has back home (and continually talks to during the film) grounds him and stops you from hating the guy too much. Giamatti is a great Elmer Fudd to Owen’s Bugs Bunny.

  4. Male Stars Perfect 5.0

    If I were to ever make a movie, Clive Owen would play the lead. And probably the supporting actors as well. The guy is awesome and in this role is the tough guy that everyone really wishes they were. And at no point do you hate him for it. He delivers these ridiculous lines with a style that few other actors could have pulled off.

  5. Female Stars Perfect 5.0

    Monica Bellucci is always fantastic and this role is perfect for her. She is what every guy wants – a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed. She stands up to Owen and holds her own in every scene offering a great balance to the love interest.

  6. Female Costars Perfect 5.0
  7. Male Costars Perfect 5.0

    Paul Giamatti is always a joy to watch. He takes this villain and plays him as the creepy guy who lives next door. The one you really need to be afraid of because he’s as normal as they come – until he’s hired to kill you. Then he becomes this intelligent, deadly force.

  8. Great 4.0

    I applaud Michael Davis for taking chances. The stuff he does in this movie is so ridiculous, but it all fits. Never do they shoot for anything but ridiculous. The action scenes are well choreographed and the whole movie looks slick as hell.

  9. Direction Great 4.0

    Having seen the panel on this at San Diego ComiCon last year, I know that this movie is Davis’ baby and it shows. So much care was put into everything. So much thought was put into making sure all the scenes worked. Every trick that Owen pulls with his guns flowed seamlessly and you believe it all the way.

  10. Play Great 4.0

    Dialogue was very heightened. It was perfect for the film, but can certainly annoy. There are many eye rolling remarks and one liners that are usually off-putting. The deliver and the placement here, though, works entirely.

  11. Music Great 4.0
  12. Visuals Really Great 4.5

    The movie is slick as hell. Every set from tank to bordello looks beautiful. Even when the place is dirty, it looks great.

  13. Content
  14. Horrid 3.7

    Plenty of language and violence. And what guy movie would be complete without a memorable sex scene? Its got it all. Never done just because, though, it all has its place in this heightened guy movie reality.

  15. Sex Lewd 4.0

    The sex scene between Owen and Bellucci is very rudely interrupted by people trying to kill them. Owen is such a manly man that even while killing people, he’s still able to bring a beautiful woman to climax.

  16. Violence Brutal 3.5

    The violence is brutal, but not quite to savage. Its all in good fun.

  17. Rudeness Profane 3.5

    Pretty damn rude language, mostly coming from the villains. Owen and Bellucci go at it sometimes, but its not as bad as Giamatti.

  18. Fantasy 4.7

    This could NEVER happen. Nobody talks like this, nobody fights like this, this place does not exist. You will absolutely wish it does, but once you got out of puberty you realized the real world doesn’t work like that.

  19. Circumstantial Fantasy 5.0

    A grown man can not get away with walking around the streets with a baby (who likes heavy metal) strapped to his back with a sock on its head.

  20. Biological Fantasy 5.0

    No way can a grown man get shot so many times and roughed up through his own actions and still operate like Clive Owen does. No man is that manly – except for Clive Owen.

  21. Physical Supernatural 4.0

    Except for a few scenes, this is all physically possible. Just highly improbable. And after seeing how easy Clive Owen makes it look, you may actually think you could be just as bad ass. Fair warning – you can’t. You are not Clive Owen.


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Sep 10, 2009 4:16AM

Thanks for such information. It was interesting to esteem.

Jul 26, 2009 10:18PM

Had a choice of several movies. I’m Not There, much looking forward to watching but at nearly 2.5 hours it’s too long to start at just this side of midnight. A few Bond pictures, but only one with Connery. So I continued the hunt. What’s this? Now on Cinemax, “Shoot ’Em Up”. So checked out WikPik on it. Seven reviews totaling 45 Trust Points. The Rub in a long ago review HATED it. Gave it a full gray Awful. More encouragingly and easier to trust was the combination of Modern Marvel and SpaceGhost who gave it Good + and Great + respectively. Geek came in with the Ghost at just this side of a full five.

So I watched it, enjoying it immensely. I’m polishing up my review now, but wanted to highlight some of the fun commentary that led me to watch it:

Visuals – Great 4.5
Visually this movie is breathtaking. This is a crisp joyride of an action movie to watch. As fast as it moves, it never feels like it’s too choppy or blurry. The special effects are not seamless but showcase perfectly what needs to be there. Obviously this movie was made for less money than a lot of movies of this genre, and that shows. But for all its worth, it is still fantastic to view. – Modern Marvel

Reality – Fantasy 4.3

This movie does not base itself in the boundaries of reality, and it never claims to. People in this movie overcome physical obstacles that are impossible, the stated umbilical cord scene is completely crazy, the skydiving scene isn’t based in reality at all, and many more scenes will leave you scratching your head but simply shrugging and saying “oh well, it’s a whole lot of fun”. This is the kind of movie that never wanted to be a realistic, gritty action movie. Instead, it opted for “fantasy over-the-top action movie” and it succeeds. – Modern Marvel

Overall Great 4.5

This movie was freakin great. It was completely over the top in every way. The story, the action, the characters – it was all so much damn fun. Clive Owen is one of my favorites and he absolutely delivers in this one as Mr. Smith. Monica Bellucci can’t help but be gorgeous in everything she does and Paul Giamatti is one of the best character actors out there. From the first scene of the movie (an infant delivery in the middle of a gunfight) you know this movie is gonna be anything but grounded. Its a celebration of every action/tough guy/conspiracy movie ever made and what better way to do it than by making it bigger than life and shoving it in your face? Best way to describe it? The ultimate guy version of an Elmer Fudd/Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes episode. – SpaceGhost

Female Stars Perfect 5.0

Monica Bellucci is always fantastic and this role is perfect for her. She is what every guy wants – a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed. She stands up to Owen and holds her own in every scene offering a great balance to the love interest. – SpaceGhost

Edge – Crude 3.7

Plenty of language and violence. And what guy movie would be complete without a memorable sex scene? Its got it all. Never done just because, though, it all has its place in this heightened guy movie reality. – SpaceGhost