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transcendmatter's Review

Created May 17, 2008 07:06AM PST • Edited May 17, 2008 07:19AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Great 4.0

    A candy-coated kick to the brain, and as close you can get to a cartoon while still using flesh-and-blood actors. The richness of the world they’ve created is uncanny; the colours drip into the aisles then explode off the screen. At one point, I witnessed a blue that I’m sure was bluer than any blue I’d ever seen before… The racing sequences are amazingly kinetic car wars like nothing I’ve ever seen before. They called it “Car Fu” and it’s really the best word for it. Outside these battles, the movie does slow down considerably, leaving a paper thin storyline about family and corruption and the importance of small businesses (?). The running time could have used some refinement, but the experience was well worth the time and the price of admission. Now excuse me while I slip into a diabetic coma…

  3. Very Good 3.5

    Purposefully cheesy, but it wouldn’t have worked any other way. And the kid sidekick/monkey combo, which could have been disastrous, was actually pretty funny.

  4. Male Stars Very Good 3.5
  5. Female Stars Very Good 3.5
  6. Female Costars Very Good 3.5
  7. Male Costars Very Good 3.5
  8. Perfect 5.0

    I am totally blown away by the effects in this movie. The car stuff is one thing, that’s pretty much a well choreographed pinball machine, but the way they drenched the entire world with such vivid color is really cool. Also, I love the anachronism of the 30’s style gangsters with the high-tech gadgetry.

  9. Direction Perfect 5.0
  10. Play Perfect 5.0
  11. Music Perfect 5.0
  12. Visuals Perfect 5.0
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 1.7

    “Let’s pinch off these turds”

  15. Sex Innocent 1.2
  16. Violence Fierce 1.9
  17. Rudeness Salty 2.0
  18. Supernatural 3.2

    The colour really separated the movie from reality here.

  19. Circumstantial Supernatural 4.0
  20. Biological Glib 2.0
  21. Physical Supernatural 3.6


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Jan 31, 2010 5:51PM

Regarding Wick’s Review
Man, I’m surprised how many people enjoyed Speed Racer. For a while, I thought I was the only one. I enjoyed because it reminded me not only of the classic anime it was based on, but because it was sorta like Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids movies, which I would watch all the time.

May 17, 2008 10:22PM

I thought movie was not of the quality that all the hype and advertising it got . expected more and got less. the visual effects is all that it had going for it. Its a very good thing that I didnt have to pay to see this one . would have wanted my money back. Even the acting was of low quality. my thoughts; poor excuse for a movie