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Wolfman898's Review

Created Jan 11, 2009 05:19PM PST • Edited Jan 11, 2009 05:19PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Perfect 5.0

    Shawshank dilevers a message we can all carry with: Hope. This is told through the story of Andy Dufresne, who is wrongly accused of killing his wife and son. He is Sent to Shawshank Prison, a prison well known for it’s cruelty. There he meets Red, who has been there for a long time. Andy dilevers his message of hope to the others, and the story is told through red’s eyes. Some see this as a movie about Andy and his struggle to find hope in the prison, but i have always seen it as Red’s struggle, a struggle to find his purpose in life, with andy’s help, he finds it. Shawshank is definatly worth 142 minutes of your life, as you will carry it with you forever.

    But in the end, you will know the movie is worth the difficulty, as it is one of the most inspirational movies ever.

    “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

  3. Perfect 5.0

    The acting is marvelous. The main character is Morgan Freeman, but i still think the best acting performance was Tim Robbins as Andy. His show earned a spot in my top 10 all time. Morgan Freeman is great as well. He trys to convince Andy that Hope does not exist for him and the men, before finding it himself. Warden is very religious, which you don’t usually find in a prison, but hey, he’s the wrden, he can do whatever the hell he wants.

  4. Male Stars Perfect 5.0
  5. Female Stars Perfect 5.0
  6. Female Costars Perfect 5.0
  7. Male Costars Perfect 5.0
  8. Perfect 5.0

    The second most powerful movie i have ever seen. Second to Schindler’s list, whcih is #1 on my list… and this is #2 all time….. go figure. The script was done masterfully, never boring in the whole 142 minutes, even without most of the important events happening until half-way through. And the Ending is worth the wait, as it is one of the most heart-warming ending i have ever seen.

  9. Direction Perfect 5.0
  10. Play Perfect 5.0
  11. Music Perfect 5.0
  12. Visuals Perfect 5.0
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 2.3

    The violence in the movie reminds me a little of Schindlers list, because it isn’t very bloody, but realistic and emotionally difficult to watch. There is implied offscreen rape, sexual talk, and there are posters of prostitutes. Lots of intense beating, prison violence, some is off screen but when it is shown it can be very difficult to watch. There is some very strong language as well.

  15. Sex Titillating 1.7

    Implied homosexual rape.

  16. Violence Brutal 2.8

    Prison violence, several beatings that are very realistic and very disturbing.

  17. Rudeness Salty 2.3

    A bit of language.

  18. Natural 1.0

    Nothing is fake, it is all very realistic. Hope never does Die.

  19. Circumstantial Natural 1.0
  20. Biological Natural 1.0
  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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