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Major League
None Yet 0 Points 1989
Field of Dreams
None Yet 0 Points 1989
Eight Men Out
None Yet 0 Points 1988
Bull Durham
Great 66 Points 1988

Bull Durham set a new standard for sports movies. Jocks on screen had never been this smart, this sexy, this suave. It’s also a classic Susan Sarandon liberated-woman picture, here a JuCo English teacher with a thing for baseball players. She’s pretty and they’re dumb, until she runs into Kevin…

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WikChip Video I believe, Crash Davis style
The Natural
None Yet 0 Points 1984
Bang the Drum S...
None Yet 0 Points 1973
The Pride of th...
Good 3 Points 1942

Supposedly one of the great baseball movies of all time, I found myself disappointed by its corniness and pretty by the book filmmaking. Yet, it’s still fund to watch with the two leads, Cooper and Wright, at the height of their powers. And you have to admit, seeing the real Babe Ruth, who was ha…

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