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Pretty Bad 83 Points 2013

Ridiculous, cliche ridden and gleefully cruel is a hell of a trifecta, and yet Snowpiercer nails all three. In fairness, I clicked STOP after 15 minutes, seriously sickened and sadly stupefied, only the second time out of thousands of movies watched that I’ve not stuck it out till the end.1 B…

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Good 29 Points 2008

Cute Pixar movie. You definitely found yourself identifying with the Wall-E as a human like character, and the adventure with the female bot Eve on a quest to return humans to the planet was a fairly engaging story. Amazing animation and decent action, but my daughter and I found ourselves bored…

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Planet of the Apes
Great 26 Points 1968

How could you not love this movie? Ok, so it doesnn’t blow anyone away with acting, production, etc. But the story-line itself, coupled with Heston’s campy drama makes this an all time family pleaser.

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Beneath the Pla...
Good 9 Points 1970

At the time of its release, a sequel to the sci-fi classic Planet of the Apes seemed simply unnecessary. How does somebody go beyond the film’s post-apocalyptic vision? How does somebody go beyond the shock and awe of the first film? How does somebody go beyond the Planet of the Apes?

Planet …

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Mad Max
None Yet 0 Points 1979