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World War Z
Very Good 83 Points 2013

Beware the Zeeks. Or is it Zekes? Either way, zare’s lots of Zs in WWZ, zousands even, zillions maybe. Zale get you unless Brad Pitt has his way, which he will. He’s Brad Pitt. In turn, he gets your 10 bucks.

Pitt plus a Zillion Zekes zequals Zoutrageous Box Office for World War Z, gu…

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WikChip Image Where DO they get the energy? Darn Zs
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Very Good 66 Points 2012

Comedies get no respect, so perceptively intelligent movies like Wanderlust get discounted by the critics. Never mind that it’s continuously clever, even if only sporadically LOL.

The LOLs do come however, some hitting various parts of the audience and some slaying everyone. When a Big One…

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WikChip Image Justin Theroux's 2-faced manipulator
Up in the Air
Perfect 98 Points 2009

Behold the Great American Movie starring American idol George Clooney flying on American Airlines. This All American trifecta makes Up in the Air an instant American classic. And a damn funny one at that: good thing, since we Americans love to laugh, especially when nursing a really f-ing bad…

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WikChip Image Keep Up Now
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
True Grit
Great 100 Points 2010

Darker and more realistic than the 1969 original featuring John Wayne, this 21st Century retelling of a classic Wild West retribution story succeeds in almost every respect — often funny, richly evocative, shockingly brutal, cleverly revisionist. That last comes from the clear hero – a 14 year …

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WikChip Image Tall in the Saddle: Hailee Steinfeld
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2926-tr...
Good 83 Points 2007

Contemporary thriller-on-a-train, ultimately gripping though it takes a while to get there, not unlike an interesting train trip. Woody Harrelson and Ben Kingsley bring star power to writer-director Brad Anderson’s well constructed movie, though the script and secondary characters are also first…

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The Way
Very Good 17 Points 2011

Let’s take a walk, shall we? How about on the Camino Santiago with Martin Sheen as he pays tribute to his son (Emilio Estevez) who died on his first day out in the Pyrenees. The Way ends up being an endearing tale of a dad (Martin Sheen) who follows in his son’s footsteps both to pay tribut…

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The Sapphires
Great 66 Points 2012

Sweet soul music forms the soundtrack of this infectiously enjoyable Australian musical-comedy. Telling the truthy tale of four black girls from Down Under who performed American soul music for U.S. GIs and Marines in Vietnam, The Sapphires tickles, touches and torches in equal measure.


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WikChip Video The Sapphires' smoking hot What A Man
The Rover
Good 66 Points 2014

Lots of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Well, that’s not true. The Rover signifies a monumental Guy Pearce performance, coupled with a notable Robert Pattinson one. Nor was there lots of sound, come to think of it. Surprisingly little actually, what with Guy Pearce’s quietly laconic ave…

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WikChip Image Guy Pearce: Moviestar for the Ages
The Rolling Sto...
Really Great 66 Points 2012

Charlie is My Darling is the dangerous younger brother to A Hard Day’s Night. Beatles ‘64. Stones ‘65.

Mercy, Mercy was more than a Rolling Stones song in 1965. It was what they wanted from their ravenous fans, a besotted mob of hormonally charged teens. Beatlemania had nothing on the…

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WikChip Video The Stones drive the Irish lasses crazy
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The Road
Very Good 92 Points 2009

Think of this de facto zombie movie as No Country for Little Boys: a surreally grim milieu through which a dauntless Father must shepherd his pure-hearted Son. Such a nihilistic extravaganza creates ample opportunities for life lessons of the most extreme sort. The result is gripping, though …

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WikChip Image Dauntless Paternal Love
6 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2881-th...
  • Wick – Nope, don't think I'm gonna see Lovely Bones. Howev...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2105-the-ro...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2105-the-ro...