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Gravity isn’t the point, zero-gravity is. However, its title is the only thing underwhelming about Alfonso Cuarón’s benchmark movie. Everything else in Gravity overwhelms. For instance, the vertical line of a sunrise coming around the massive planet looming below some intrepid astronauts is so …
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Detached. Damn!
Bestest. Star Trek. Ever.Star Trek Beyond never loses touch with all that made Star Trek great from its earliest incarnation, yet uses 2016 movie magic to create an Enterprise and assorted 23rd century tech-gear better than ever before. Plus it plays the iconic opening notes of the a…
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"At least I won't die alone..." - Bones
Marvel puts it all together for one of their very best movies yet in Thor: Ragnarok, an absolutely terrific blockbuster, and a damn funny one at that. Crayon colored, heavenly inspired, charismatically performed, deeply rooted yet easily accessible, it would be great even it weren’t a sophistic…
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Cool Minutiae. Beware spoiler at the ...
Gripping from start to finish, though the end is never in doubt. Stands as a testament to American heroism, ingenuity and bravura movie-making. Tom Hanks – in one of his iconic performances – heads a stellar cast atop their games. The screenplay introduced not one, but two catchphrases i…
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Haise & Lovell: Right Stuff Real Deal
Apollo 11 is an enormous cinematic accomplishment – an rFactor 1 documentary with the power, pulse and scale of big time SciFi. See it on the biggest screen possible, with the best sound system, IMAX optimally. It revivifies the epochal year of 1969, the first and last time that billions of…
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Up Close and Personal with Apollo 11
Best. Star Trek. Ever.Some may grade it Perfect, understandably so. Me, I grade Star Trek Into Darkness a tick above its Great predecessor – Really Great and the best Star Trek ever. If J.J. Abrams sees fit to include the perfect Star Trek theme music before the closing credits of h…
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Spock in the volcano
Man of Steel isn’t lite or frivolous, making it a disappointment to those expecting snark or bubblegum. Christopher Nolan takes heavyweight DC superheroes seriously, first producing, writing and directing The Dark Knight trilogy, an…
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A superior Jor-El begets a super Kal-El
Guardians of the Galaxy is an overstuffed taco of a superhero movie, chockfull of countless characters, considerable whimsy and confounding story lines. The crazy-ass result approaches blockbuster perfection. Star Trek for a New Generation? Absolutely, complete with a basso-profundo destroy…
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Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?
Cinema’s most famous title crawl opens The Force Awakens. The Star Wars theme rises above, softly, then insistently, its familiar leitmotif arousing our deepest cinematic memories. J.J. Abrams’ revival of George Lucas’s epochal blockbuster proceeds to visit every other touchstone, extending t…
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Behind the Scenes of Episode VII